Ramblings of a middle-aged mom, granola girl/triathelete wanna be.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slogans, Battlecries and Opinions

Ever had lunch with a qualitative quantitative analyst? Their smart, too smart for the average bear but I managed to steal away a few worthy thoughts from a recent meeting that even I can understand. Oh, it's easy to get lost in the rhetoric of the day..."Country First", "Agent of Change", "transparency", blah, blah, blah. My husband reminds me that God is in control so my worrying, and praying about the future just keeps God laughing. Someone I know said about this about the upcoming election, "we will get what we deserve." I have to believe that God wants the best for us so I just keep thinking we'll get what he wants ...even if I don't like it.

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